Samsung SDI




Samsung SDI Co., Ltd., a leading company in the fields of eco-friendly and global materials and total energy solutions, recognizes health and safety as a fundamental element of management, ensures a safe and healthy workplace, actively practices global environmental protection, and pursues socially responsible, sustainable management.

  • Site Global Environment Management System

    • The company complies with domestic and overseas laws, regulations, global standards and treaties pertaining to safety, health, environment, and energy, and establishes and faithfully enforces systematic internal standards for sate environment, zero-hazard compliance.
    • In order to understand and practice a safe environment management system, the company educates all its employees and conducts all activities with a sense of responsibility and obligation through communication with stakeholders.
  • Eco-friendly Management Practice

    • The company recognizes the importance of biodiversity preservation throughout its business activities and executes its responsibility in all production processes to minimize harmful environmental consequences throughout all the stages from raw materials, parts, and purchase of packaging materials, to product development, production, logistics, and disposal.
    • The company actively reuses and recycles water and waste and continuously makes its best efforts to reduce use of chemical substances, energy, water resources, and polluting discharge.
    • The company actively makes contributions to overcome the climate change crisis by expanding the use of reusable energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, preventing deforestation, and establishing a lawtul carbon ecosystem
  • Realization of Health and Safety-Oriented Corporate Values

    • In order to ensure safe work conditions, the company creates a culture that's puts safety first, operates a prior risk management system for prior issue recognition, and risk factor prevention, realizes serious disaster prevention and an accident-free workplace, and maintains an emergency response system to maintain business continuity.
    • The company creates a pleasant work environment, pursues health enhancement of employees, and strives to the best of its abilities to protect employees and local residents from epidemics and disasters.
  • Green Community-Oriented Public Image Creation

    • The company shares and supports its safe environment-oriented management system with its partners to establish eco-friendly win win partnerships, and makes contributions to local community development through continuous environmental preservation pursuits as a local community member.

April 27, 2022

Yoonho Choi, CEO



三星SDI将安全放在首位,为了最大限度地减少环境影响,正在展开多种努力。 今后,作为超一流企业,我们将努力打造安全环保的工作环境.


지표(임직원 재해율, 사내 파트너사 재해율, 안전환경 Audit을 통한 개선과제), 단위(%, 건), 2019년, 2020년, 2021년 항목이 있는 주요 성과 지표
指标 单位 2021 2022 2023
% 0.021 0.007 0.016
% 0.035 0 0
通过安全环境检查 Audit的改善课题 314 373 2878*

* 2023年重点对海外法人实施审计










给顾客带来丰富的价值 给顾客带来丰富的价值


  1. 为顾客提供价值,最大限度地提高信赖度.

    重视顾客的潜在要求,并积极反馈,提高顾客的价值. 并且迅速、准确、亲切地解决顾客的VOC,以信赖和信任为基础,最大限度地扩大与顾客的紧密合作关系.

  2. 把环境和安全放在首位.

    产品质量问题绝不妥协,因此,我们遵守国际环境管理规定,要有Zero Defect的质量意识和责任感,把顾客的安全放在首位。

  3. 不断完善质量管理体系和流程.

    三星SDI的质量管理以ISO 9001、IATF 16949为基础,明确并遵守开发(PLM)、制造(MES)、质量(IQMS、LIMS)系统和8大质量流程(开发管理、信赖性、配件管理、工艺质量、变更管理、异常发生、出厂保证、VOC管理)的各阶段程序及判断标准,并持续改善.


Quality Management 10 Commandments

质量是我们的生命. (All for noting without quality.)
  • 安全性: 把安全性放在首位(Safety always comes first.)
  • 顾客感动: 用最佳的品质感动顾客(Best quality moves the hearts of customers.)
  • 遵守规则: 遵守规范和原则(Respect the rules and principles.)
  • 产品: 不造次品, 更不让次品出厂(Neither make nor deliver a defect.)
  • 沟通: 用Process和Data进行沟通(Communication builds on process and data.)
  • 合作伙伴: 铭记合作伙伴的品质就是我们的品质(Our journey toward quality begins at suppliers.)
  • 透明性: 问题立即进行Open,开展合作(Respect the problem once it occurs and ask for cooperation.)
  • VOC: 迅速应对VOC,务必改善(Be responsive to VOCs and make sure of improvement afterwards.)
  • 解决问题: 质量问题不妥协(Refuse to compromise on quality.)
  • 痼疾: 从根源痼疾下手解决问题(For chronic issues, treat the root cause first.)